- OriginTrail Whitepaper 1.0
Luna release introduces the first test compensation system, utilizing tokens on the Ethereum test network. It is intended to be the testbed for experimentation with the protocol mechanisms and determining optimal monetary mechanisms
Mechta brings a fully compliant GS1 EPCIS (product visibility) standard importer for OriginTrail as well as the documentation of the incentive model to be implemented until the testnet.
This release introduces several improvements including a further generalization of the graph logic based on usage insights, enabling easier addition of further standards and an improved version of the compensation system.
We will see improvements to the GS1 import integration experience, by adding full GS1 data validation to further speed up integrations, as well as the first implementation of the market bidding mechanisms. Finally by this release we will publish our blockchain virtualization documentation explaining the blockchain layer of the protocol.
With the insights from performance and usage of the protocol, Zond will introduce a fully standardized and documented OriginTrail graph structure as well as compatibility with Neo4j database to allow further flexibility in the data layer for implementation (ability to choose more than one database). This release also introduces the first version of the zero-knowledge privacy sublayer in the protocol.
Surveyor will be the first release to utilize the consensus check (the validation mechanism for interactions between supply chain parties used in OriginTrail protocol) based on the privacy sublayer of OT protocol. It will also introduce improvements to the bidding mechanism and token utilization.
With Explorer we will introduce another standard (apart from implemented GS1 EPCIS and initial standardization), which will be determined in contact with the use cases and implementation feedback. Further improvements will be implemented to the privacy layer as well.
Moving closer to the testnet release, Lunar Orbiter will bring a new version of the consensus check within the privacy layer as well as an improved payment mechanism with test tokens. It qualifies as the Release Candidate release for the testnet.
Apollo is the first beta version of the testnet protocol and implements all the features set for development. With the growing usage of the protocol and identified improvement proposals, we will be moving towards a mainnet launch in Q3.